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09 September 2010

Review: Resident Evil Afterlife

Writing about this movie is going to be tough for me, mostly because I don't want to ruin the movie for anyone, so what this will be is a very vague review of the movie and I'll revisit the review in a week.

Alice continues in her efforts to take down the Umbrella Corporation with a little help from her friends.

Other than Angelina Jolie, Milla Jovovich is another favorite here in the Sibat House, and for the last three Resident Evil movies Milla has captured our eyes with the obscene level of "Kick Assity" she can achieve, ostensibly, without breaking a sweat. This movie is definitely no different, although I do have a few qualms about the movie though, but because I'm such a sweetie I'll start off with the good stuff.

In keeping with the style of the previous movies, Resident Evil Afterlife begins with quite a bit of Kick Assery, we see Alice doing her Alice thing and as always, it's AMAZING. Seeing her kill people has always elicited many different reactions in me, although usually I get a sort of tingling sensation in my nether regions, safe to say this time I experienced the normal reaction. Another thing in this movie that is similar to the other is the colorful cast of characters. There are a few new faces, some that contribute and move the story forward, and some that didn't. That's all I'll really have for now, I want to keep this as spoiler free as possible.

Just as there was plenty in Resident Evil Afterlife I loved, there were also a few things I had a problem with, i won't go as in depth with my dislikes though, not until you all see the movie. To put it as brief as possible my problem with this was those colorful characters that did not contribute anything to the movie, there were about five characters in the movie that were completely useless, and, in all honesty, could have been left out without any repercussions. There was one character in particular that was way over the top, and took away for the performances.

Once again this was just a little bit about the movie, I tried my best to write something coherent and at least a bit informative without giving to much away. Now go the freaking movie, Milla in 3D is a sight to be experienced in IMAX..



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